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The LSA funding committee is made up of volunteer scouts who are members of the association. Their goal and objective is to raise funds to facilitate and support the smooth operation of the administrative arm of the association. Promoting a better community understanding  of the Association's mission and needs, the committee works in tandem with the other committees of LSA to achieve the association's goals


Fundraising for a non-profit scouting association depends on creating projects whose revenue is instrumental in facilitating the association's goals.

Projects are divided into various scheduled annual events (such as the president's dinner, the annual Rally etc..) as well as random special occasion events (such as mothers' day, lottery, and work bazaars, etc)... 


The Committee's fundraising goals are divided into short term goals (such as fundraising to cover the monthly expenses of administering the Associations' head quarters) and long term goals (such as fundraising to replenish the Associations permanent Trust fund whose investment revenues will be used to sustain the associations improvement programs). 


On January 24, 1908, the Boy Scouts movement begins in England with the publication of the first installment of Robert Baden-Powell’s Scouting for Boys. The name Baden-Powell was already well known to many English boys, and thousands of them eagerly bought up the handbook. By the end of April, the serialization of Scouting for Boys was completed, and scores of impromptu Boy Scout troops had sprung up across Britain. With the success of Scouting for Boys, Baden-Powell set up a central Boy Scouts office, which registered new Scouts and designed a uniform. By the end of 1908, there were 60,000 Boy Scouts, and troops began springing up in British Commonwealth countries across the globe. In September 1909, the first national Boy Scout meeting was held at the Crystal Palace in London. Ten thousand Scouts showed up, including a group of uniformed girls who called themselves the Girl Scouts. In 1910, Baden-Powell organized the Girl Guides as a separate organization.


Lebanese Scout Association

Kuweit Street, Yaakobian Building, 8th floor
Beirut, Lebanon

Tel / Fax : +961 1 740928


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